Hello Blog World,
Apparently I have lost track of my blog once again. I had posted previously about a possible opportunity to go back to Haiti this month.
Sadly, instead of going back to Haiti, I stayed home to have my tonsils removed.
Tonsils have been gone for just about 3 weeks now and I'm finally back to my old self. Just tonsilless! Praise the Lord! It was by far the worst pain I've experienced in my entire life and has me looking forward to childbirth more and more by the minute. While you may be thinking, "wait, childbirth hurts too!", I must tell you, at least childbirth comes with an extremely amazing, beautiful new life that you get to take home with you. Getting your tonsils out just hurts and they send you home in a couple of hours with nothing but a follow up appointment and drugs.
I could not take the strong pain meds they gave me so I was battling pain with Extra Strength Tylenol. Hence why I couldn't really get a straight thought out of my head and blog during the experience.
I spend 6 good days with my sister and the kids in which I realized that my oldest nephew (the 2 year old) is my best buddy and caretaker. He always offers me some of what he is eating and told me to put a sweater on when I woke up with just a tank top one morning. He is definitely the love of my life at this point.
I have also started my very last class before I graduate in May! Only 6 more weeks!!! More updates to follow as I've had plenty of deep thoughts to explore while out of work! Glad to be back on the blogs!